Three Books You Must Read

Reading is my favorite way to transition from a busy day to sleep. Every night before I turn out the lights, I try to get a good 10-20 minutes of reading time in since it helps me unwind. Unfortunately, I have no self-control when it comes to reading fiction so I save those books for vacation. I’ve found reading non-fiction at night helps me keep up to date with my health and wellness education and it’s pretty heady stuff so it makes me sleepy… These are the three most fascinating, valuable books I’ve read in the last year. You should check them out!

  1. Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Learn more about the importance of sleep and how to improve yours. It’s full of fascinating research and beneficial information for all ages. Your sleep is a vital component to your health and wellness!

2. The Blue Zones Solution by Dan Buettner

Learn how to live a longer, healthier life from people who live functional lives in their 90s and beyond. Learn the lifestyle habits that enable them to age gracefully and capably. Spoiler alert: eat more plants, keep doing physical labor, recognize the importance of community.

3. Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age

Take a deeper dive into how the brain works and how to support it so it functions well your whole life. Learn more about dementia, how to prevent it and how to support those with it. There are small things we can all do to optimize and strengthen our most important body part!

Now, go visit your local bookstore and buy these books. After you read them all, you will see the reoccurring messages and concepts. Apply them. Keep these books as a resource after you read them. Share them with friends and family so those around you can benefit as well.