Sea Glass and Your Goals…

I’m visiting my parents on Bainbridge Island in the beautiful state of Washington for a month. Most days I cross the street visiting a quiet little beach and stroll the shore looking for sea glass. Over the years, my husband and I have amassed quite the collection. As I wandered the shore by myself the other day, I realized that collecting sea glass shares so many similarities with the path to your health and wellness goals. Here are some important things to consider:

Find your focus…

Sometimes the hardest thing is finding that first piece of sea glass. But once you train your eye, things get easier and you start to see it everywhere. I’ve come across many people who aren’t feeling their best but they don’t know where to begin their journey to better health and wellness. Wandering aimlessly, they feel frustrated making no progress. However, when they start defining their goals and the “whys” behind them, things start falling into place. Having clarity in their goal is the first step to success. They just have to put some work in and most importantly, stay focused.

If you aren’t finding much sea glass, you need to change your approach…

At times, you can traipse down a beach without finding much, but if you turn around and look in another direction, you see the sea glass. Sometimes turning around and getting a different perspective is just what you need. Maybe your workouts aren’t enjoyable? Then it’s time to find a different regime. Maybe you hate the food your eating? That won’t be sustainable so it’s time to find a more palatable approach. We are all unique individuals and there is an element of trial and error in our process. If what you are trying isn’t working, take a different path!

Know that if you are patient during the high tide (plateaus) the payoff is usually big…

High tide can be frustrating because you feel you aren’t accomplishing anything, but it’s a great time to practice patience. Achieving a goal is usually not a linear process; you have to embrace the waves. I guarantee you will have moments when you feel like giving up because you are don’t feel like you are progressing. But you MUST be patient! Those waves bring in the new bounty. After the high tide comes the low tide and that’s when the payoff is BIG.

And after you’ve been patient, you can enjoy the low tide…

Eureka! Finally, your plateau is over and you are making measurable progress again. New habits feel easier and become part of your daily life. New muscles show up, new numbers on scales appear, new PRs are set, full nights of restful sleep happen. Let yourself feel successful and proud.

Sometimes you find a piece of red or blue glass! Celebrate those victories, big and small! Maybe you went up in weights, maybe you finished your first 5k, maybe you skipped the drive-thru for a better option. Feel the pride and find joy the experience and it will make everything easier.

Sometimes you need to find a new beach…

Not every beach is full of sea glass. After you’ve fully explored an area, ask yourself if it is worth your time. Perhaps it’s time to switch things up and go to a different beach. If things around you don’t support your goals, it’s best to remove them. Do you have friends who only want to sit around gossip over cocktails and eat badly? Do they give you a hard time when you make a healthier choice? Or maybe you workout at a gym full of distractions and drama. Ask yourself, are they supporting you? If the answer is no, that’s your cue to make a change. Identify a likeminded network that lifts you up and cheers you on. Remember, iron sharpens iron!

Then one day, you realize that your jar of sea glass is full…

Time goes by and you’ve practiced your patience and put in some serious effort. You’ve stayed focused and ridden the tides. You know the sweet spots are at your beach. Suddenly, a wave of pride washes over you as you realize you’ve done it! What’s next? You can always get a bigger jar. You are ready for an even greater goal!