Meditation is for everyone…

Meditation. Why is it so hard to sit down and essentially do nothing? Because we are programmed to be doers. Because we are told to be productive, not “lazy”. But what if I told you meditation can actually make you more productive and improve both your physical and emotional health? As Jon Kabat so perfectly puts it, meditation “brushes your mind” just like you brush your teeth. Time to get scrubbing!

Many of you may not truly understand what meditation is. Some automatically assume it is a hippy dippy, alternative religious practice.  It’s not, unless of course you want it to be! Meditation is sitting comfortably in a quiet place with an open attitude, developing your intentional focus while minimizing random thoughts. Benefits include but are not limited to improved concentration, stress reduction and lower cortisol levels, increased energy, improved mental health, better sleep, reduction in pain, and even improved digestion. The list goes on and on.

My first meditation goal was to practice for 5 minutes, 2 days a week. Over time, I’ve increased to an almost daily practice. Most of my sessions are still around 5 minutes, I’ve been bumping it up once a week to 10-15 minutes. While I have tried 20-30 minutes sessions, I must admit they are a real challenge (particularly in the staying awake category for me). Meditation is very much a practice; I know that I will never be able to fully turn off my thoughts and “conquer” it, but that’s ok. Some days are easier than others and my thoughts still drift in and out during every practice, but I’m learning to give myself grace when it happens, and that is the true victory. Acceptance is growth.

meditation practice
Meditation practice

I recommended meditation to all of my clients to improve their general health and wellness. Additionally, it can help them address different challenges in their lives. Some people need to calm their minds before sleep, some need to manage emotional eating, others with particularly stressful jobs need to take a moment and reset during the workday. Stress is inescapable and learning how to respond mindfully is an incredible skill. Meditation is a positive coping mechanism that can help tremendously. Even kids can reap the benefits, especially during trying times.

Meditation resources abound. You’ve likely heard of the app Head Space; they even have a series on Netflix where you can learn more about meditation and begin your practice with audio visual guidance. MasterClass offers an excellent in-depth class on Mindfulness and Meditation by Jon Kabat. Insight Timer and Calm are both popular apps with a broad range of meditation offerings for all ages. Even the Peloton app has guided meditations from 5-30 minutes long with various themes. But don’t feel like you must use an app for your meditation practice. Many people prefer to create their own practice in silence without the guidance of a teacher. To each, their own and it’s great to have an option that doesn’t require wifi!

So, and I say this with love, sit down and shut up for a little bit every day. Why not start right now?