Are you ready to COMMIT
to yourself?


This is not another fad diet or temporary fitness plan, it is a COMMITment to the healthiest version of you.


Let's improve not only your life right now, but the quality of your longevity. Now is the perfect time to make your health and wellness a priority as we slowly transition back to "normal" life.


Digging deep into your SMART goals will take honesty, determination and work on your part, but the results will be absolutely worth it! You will build new habits that reflect your vision and directly connect to your “whys” for change. None of my strategies are about deprivation; they are about striking a better balance. Remind yourself that discipline and accountability aren't bad words; they are the key to your success! So is the support I will give you along the way.


Remember, I don't want you to just look better in jeans; I want you to feel more vibrant, energetic and better in your own skin.

Are you ready to COMMIT to being the best version of YOU?


The Ultimate COMMITment


A 3-6 month program

This is the package for people who are ready for a lifestyle overhaul. You know you aren't eating well or taking care of your body. Stress is through the roof and your sleep and exercise are NOT what they should be. You feel totally stuck in a never ending cycle of barely getting by.... There is hope! Together, we can get you back on track.

This is a 3-6 month COMMITment that will change your life forever. I will teach you how to eat a balanced diet and how to effectively move your body. Additionally, we will optimize your sleep and work on new ways to manage your stress. I'll share my organization tips that create a framework for success every week. We will create achievable goals, track your progress, and get to the bottom of your challenges so your cycle of frustration ends. You will build new habits and discipline so you stay COMMITted for the rest of your life.



  • 60-90 minutes Kick-off Meeting so I can get to know you and we can truly drill down on your needs and goals
  • Weekly check-ins for 20-45+ minutes via phone, FaceTime or Zoom
  • Midweek check-ins via text as well as text/email availability
  • Optional daily wellness tracking
  • Organizational tools to support your new habits
  • Education regarding personalized nutrition, hydration, exercise/movement, stress management and sleep hygiene
  • Workout planning and guidance as needed
  • Add-ons include teaching you how to meal plan and select recipes together, a kitchen survey to maximize what you have and build healthier habits in your home, one-on-one grocery shopping consultation, and more (yes, many of these can still be done remotely)
  • This is a 3 month program with an optional 3 month accountability period
  • Discounts offered to military, first responders and teachers
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COMMIT To Getting Back On Track


You've got your life in order except for that one thing...

Maybe COVID got your workouts off track and you need some guidance to plan your workouts and a partner to hold you accountable. Or maybe it's your diet that has veered off course? You know you need more fruits and veggies and less greasy takeout but you haven't made the shift. Or is it your stress management? You feel like your life has been turned upside down and you know it is time to pull things together and hit reset. Let's get you back on track by addressing your specific need. There is no time like now to COMMIT!


  • 45-60 minutes Kick-off Meeting so I can get to know you and we can dig deep into your specific need
  • Weekly check-ins for 15-20 minutes via phone, FaceTime or Zoom
  • Midweek check-ins via text as well as text/email availability
  • Organizational tools tailored to your needs
  • This is a 3 month program
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In addition to these packages, I'm happy to work on smaller projects with you at an hourly rate such as...

  • personal wellness check-ins
  • fitness planning
  • lessons on meal planning
  • diet assessments
  • healthy cooking instruction
  • cooking classes for teens
  • assistance with sleep improvement
  • accountability partnership
  • private barre class

Just ask! If I cannot offer what you are looking for, I may be able to direct you to someone who can.

Don't forget, I even can help address the wellness needs of families, not just men and women.

"Anne has become the touchstone of my self-care... in a way that’s not daunting and completely achievable, whether it’s how to make time for movement and stillness, improving my daily diet, finding a way to improve the quality of my sleep or stepping away from my laptop."

Frequently Asked Questions