Sunday Power Hour

Commit Weekly Planner

On Sundays for the last several years, I block out an hour so I can get organized, plan my week and set myself up for success. First, I fill out my planner with all my important calendar events. From there, I am able to see what days are busier or less busy and plan my…

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The Importance of Mindful Eating

Mindful eating. Insert eye roll, right? Not so fast! I swear it’s not a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. There is definitely value in learning more about it. There are several books on the market but I’ll do my best to break a few elements in a quick blog post. Hopefully it will give you a few…

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“Yummas” Hummus

Ok, it’s cheesy, I know, but most of my family members call is “Yummas” Hummus so I had to make it the title of the recipe. This is my tried-and-true hummus recipe that I am REQUIRED to bring to several family holidays, notably Father’s Day and Armenian Thanksgiving. I’m fairly certain my father-in-law wouldn’t let…

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Meditation is for everyone…

Meditation. Why is it so hard to sit down and essentially do nothing? Because we are programmed to be doers. Because we are told to be productive, not “lazy”. But what if I told you meditation can actually make you more productive and improve both your physical and emotional health? As Jon Kabat so perfectly…

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Black Bean Tostadas

I love chips and dip, like, LOVE chips and dip. Whenever I get a craving for them, I make these black bean tostadas. In no time, you can throw together a little slaw, make the bean spread, and top with avocado and salsa. Frying corn tortillas in an air fryer helps cut the time and…

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Three Books You Must Read

Reading is my favorite way to transition from a busy day to sleep. Every night before I turn out the lights, I try to get a good 10-20 minutes of reading time in since it helps me unwind. Unfortunately, I have no self-control when it comes to reading fiction so I save those books for…

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Pesto Farro Salad

This is one of those salads you can make a meal, use as a tasty side dish, or bring to a brunch or BBQ and impress your friends! Farro is a delicious whole grain wheat that looks like barley and has a decent amount of protein and fiber so it’s a great new addition to…

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Teaching Teens to Cook

One of my friends who is a single mom mentioned how much she wished her 13 year old daughter could cook herself a meal. I love to cook and I love her daughter so I offered to help. In fact, I jumped at the opportunity because it is right up my alley! I have always…

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Just Another Glass of Wine…

This post isn’t gonna make me any new friends, but if you are getting to know me, you’ll realize quickly that I am a truth teller… Ok, you’ve had a LONG day. Maybe it’s Thursday and you’ve been managing kids on Zoom calls while balancing your regular job and daily responsibilities from home. Or maybe…

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