


I am a lifelong athlete and busy mom of three with an eclectic resume (B&B chef, winery manager, etc) that does not include a lot of sitting down.


I taught my first spin class in 2002 and haven’t gotten off the bike since then. Additionally, I’ve coached soccer and rugby and taught countless spin, barre, post natal and cardio classes. In short, I love to move my body and I love to teach others how to effectively use theirs. However, after many years in the fitness space and so many conversations with clients, I realized that working out, even with significant effort and consistency, is simply not enough to achieve optimal health. What happens outside of the gym matters even more! We all need to find the right balance of exercise and movement, proper nutrition, stress management and quality sleep. Helping people make reasonable, thoughtful adjustments in their diets and lifestyles is truly my passion.

A nutrition certification, endless reading and continuing education classes later, I opened Commit Health + Wellness in early 2020 to bring health and wellness coaching to people just like you!


First we talk. I will ask A LOT of questions so we can truly drill down on your areas of need. Then we set some goals and come up with a game plan to build healthy habits and solidify your COMMITment to a healthier you. We're going to check in with each other frequently as I provide you with tailored resources and information, accountability and most importantly, support.

After all, every body needs a buddy! In the end, you will have a new lifestyle and results that last a lifetime, not just a few months. You simply have to COMMIT to yourself.


"After working with Anne, I’ve become not only the healthiest version of myself, but the most confident version of myself. I used to wake up feeling tired, and I was unhappy with how my body looked and felt. Before I met Anne, the fitness goals I had seemed very unattainable. She helped me break down my goals into actionable small steps that were easy to complete. The more I worked with her, the more I started to see the incredible results from our work. I not only accomplished all my health goals such as building muscle, working out regularly and eating right, but I developed healthy habits that transformed my lifestyle. I now wake up with plenty of energy, and have developed a newfound confidence. Anne has also taught me to raise my standards, not only in terms of how I treat myself, but in every area of my life. She has directly and indirectly taught me to push myself to accomplish more, and she’s also taught me to be kinder to myself. Working with Anne has easily been one of the best choices I’ve ever made." - M.K.


"Working with Anne over the last 7 months has been life changing for me.  Every week we worked on small subtle changes that were 100% achievable. Not only did I drop pounds and inches, my stress and anxiety levels changed completely with good sleep, smart eating and mindful workouts. Anne really worked with me on my specific needs and customized our coaching accordingly.  She gave me all the tools I needed to continue living a healthy lifestyle. I can't thank her enough!" - M.R.


"Anne has become the touchstone of my self-care. All of the things that start to slip when life gets stressful at work or home would keep slipping further and further if not for our check-ins. I know, because they all slipped for a long time - taking care of myself wasn’t a priority so I had less and less to give to others. Anne has helped me manage all the wonderful things about taking care of myself in a way that’s not daunting and completely achievable, whether it’s how to make time for movement and stillness, improving my daily diet, finding a way to improve the quality of my sleep or stepping away from my laptop. I am more fulfilled, stronger than I knew, and more capable of giving to the people and causes I care about most because of her support." - F.K.


"As I started to age, is has become harder to control my eating habits. I realized I needed help, and in my early 70’s my doctor introduced me to Anne, who has since changed my life. Meeting Anne has helped me achieve my goals and taught me how to develop a healthier lifestyle while still being able to eat the foods I enjoy. She focuses on nutrition and exercising so my mind and body could achieve the healthy lifestyle I needed to reach my goals. She has taken the time and given me the tools for success with her knowledge. She has helped me change my life and my way of thinking. Anne focuses on you so you get the proper guidance and tools you need to lead you to success. She has been a pleasure to work with, and her inspiration has made me smarter in my everyday life choices. Anne is a committed coach and lives the life she teaches. She has been a huge inspiration for me and I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her." - A.D.


"I found Anne through Instagram and was nervous to begin the program because nothing has ever worked long-term for me. Even after our initial call, I was ready to quit (because of my mindset, not her). I remember her saying something on that call about investing in your health and that's what made me "commit". I look back to my habits six months ago and reflect on how many new healthy habits have actually stuck. I don't even have to think about them anymore! She makes it easy to incorporate these healthy habits (whether it's related food, sleep, overall wellness) in your life. My mindset, motivation, and overall wellness have dramatically improved. The best part of working with Anne is the overall wellness aspect. I didn't realize how intertwined sleep, stress management, nutrition and exercise really were, but when it clicked, everything became easier. I'm so excited to continue this lifestyle and continue to apply the things I've learned to continue to improve my health." - A.L.


"In 2019 I was dealing with significant changes in my life and turned to food for comforting the instability I was experiencing. Over the course of a year, I gained about 20 lbs and was ashamed and embarrassed to reach out for help. Anne listened to my struggles without judgement and genuinely cared about my mental and physical well being. We discussed some challenging but attainable goals for me to focus on and that fit within my lifestyle. We connected frequently to review my progress, which held me accountable to my goals, and discussed tips and strategies to help me deal with the areas in which I was struggling. After meeting with Anne, I stopped using food for comfort, started eating healthier and am now back to my natural healthy weight. Anne's wellness coaching is not just about physical weight; it is about living a healthier life, both physically and mentally. She listened to me, believed in me, and helped me through a very difficult time. The tips and strategies we discussed were specifically tailored to me, not a one size fits all, and were lifestyle changes, not just quick fixes. Today not only am I more knowledgeable about how food and exercise impact my physical but I am more knowledgeable about how to live an emotionally healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life." - B.K.


"Working with Anne has been a true blessing. I found myself at a point in my life where I just wasn't taking care of myself and needed someone to help me and keep me accountable. My whole life I have been active and I needed some help getting back there. Anne brought a level of positive accountability while being my personal cheerleader. When life brought some difficulties, Anne checked in with me daily to make sure I was meeting my goals and taking care of me. I don't know where I'd be without Anne and I'm so very grateful for her help." - M.S.


"Anne is the coach you need in your corner. Not only will she help you form new, healthy habits, but she will give it to you straight. You may not want to hear what you need to hear, but she is there to help you along the way. She is supportive both physically and mentally, which we all need after the past year and a half. I highly recommend Anne to anyone who needs a kickstart to healthier habits leading to a better, happier lifestyle!" - K.K.


Take the plunge and COMMIT to your health and wellness now.

It is the greatest gift you can give yourself!